Press Releases

Don Samuels raises more than $535,000 in quarter two of his rematch with Rep. Ilhan Omar

MINNEAPOLIS,  July 17, 2024–Don Samuels, a candidate for Congress in Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District, today announced second-quarter fundraising results in his Democratic-Farmer-Labor primary rematch with Rep. Ilhan Omar. 

Neighbors for Samuels raised more than $535,000 in the second quarter of 2024, with $334,290 cash on hand. In addition, the majority of contributors reported living in Minnesota, and over 60% of all contributions were $100 or less. 

“Our fundraising results are a testament to the grassroots support our campaign has garnered from everyday Minnesotans who are ready for change,” said Samuels. “Our community is demanding leaders who prioritize collaboration, effective governance, and tangible results over divisive rhetoric.”

These results put Samuels well ahead of the fundraising pace he set during his 2022 campaign. Despite being vastly outraised in 2022, Samuels fell just 2.1 percent, or 2,466 votes, short of defeating Omar, the DFL-endorsed incumbent. 

Key differences between Samuels and Omar include support for President Biden’s signature infrastructure legislation and a comprehensive approach to public safety. While political infighting led Omar to be one of six congressional Democrats to vote against the president’s bill, Samuels believes Democrats must do a better job working together in the face of Republican opposition. 

On public safety, Samuels and Omar differ significantly on defunding the police. Omar supports abolishing the Minneapolis Police Department in the face of rising crime rates across the Twin Cities metropolitan area, while Samuels favors an approach that embraces both accountability and justice, including the George Floyd Act and limiting the use of no-knock warrants.

“ While Rep. Omar and I agree on numerous policy positions, I’m running for Congress because I believe at this moment we must turn away from the politics of rage, division, and self-promotion that has become her trademark. When elected, I will work to build a broad coalition and find common ground with my colleagues to make progress for everyone in the Fifth Congressional District and the nation,” said Samuels.

A native of Kingston, Jamaica, Samuels is the former CEO of MicroGrants, a nonprofit organization that gives $1,000 grants to low-income people for education, business development, and transportation. A skilled community and political leader, Samuels served three terms on the Minneapolis City Council and one term on the Minneapolis Public Schools Board. Samuels is also an ordained minister who sees the humanity in all people. His faith and political mentors include Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and President Barack Obama.

For more information, visit or follow Samuels on Twitter @DonSamuelsMN or Facebook @donsamuelsforcongress


PO Box 50024 Minneapolis, MN 55405

Contributions or gifts to Neighbors for Samuels are not tax deductible. Contributions from corporations, labor organization treasury funds, federal government contractors, and from any person contributing another person's funds are prohibited. Only U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents (“green card holders” residing in the U.S.) are eligible to contribute. An individual can contribute as much as $6,600 to Neighbors for Samuels ($3,300 for the primary election, and $3,300 for the general election). Married couples may together give a total of $13,200. Federal multi-candidate political action committees (PACs) can contribute as much as $10,000 ($5,000 for the primary election, and $5,000 for the general election). Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle.