Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Actions

Rep. Omar Attacked Obama While Defending ‘Defund the Police’


“Former President Barack Obama has cautioned young Democrat activists against using snappy slogans such as “defund the police” if they want to bring about genuine reforms in the US. Defund the Police became a widely-used phrase after the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police in May. Mr Obama said “you lost a big audience the minute you say it”, making it “a lot less likely” to effect change.” BBC

“Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar tweeted “it’s not a slogan but a policy demand”

Rep. Omar continued to bash President Obama, “Omar appeared to bash Barack Obama, the patron saint of the Democratic Party, as some sort of war-mongering, neoliberal shill” Vanity Fair

And, Rep. Omar continued to advocate for defunding the police, “Ilhan Omar defends idea of dismantling Minneapolis Police Department” Axios.

In 2021, Minneapolis voters soundly defeated ballot question two to eliminate the Minneapolis police department. Voting results and polling showed that black Minneapolis residents opposed eliminating the police, “Black Residents of Minneapolis Say They Need More Cops—Not Fewer” The Nation

Don Samuels opposed defunding the police while advocating for reform. 

Rep. Omar Paid Her Husband’s Political Consulting Firm an Unprecedented $2,800,000


Between 2019 and 2020, Rep. Omar paid her Husband’s consulting firm nearly 2.8 million dollars.

“Federal filings show Rep. Ilhan Omar’s 2020 campaign made up nearly 80% of payments to her husband’s consulting firm” Daily Mail

Rep. Omar’s husband, Tim Mynett, would go on to use these resources to start a new company that was accused of fraud on two seperate occations:

“Rep. Ilhan Omar’s husband accused of swindling investor in their California winery” MN Reformer

“Lawsuit: Former DNC and Minn. political operative defrauded South Dakota cannabis companies” Star Tribune


Don Samuels Called This a Clear Example Self-Serving Politics

Rep. Omar Was Praised by KKK Grand Wizard, David Duke, for her continued Anti-Semitic Remarks


“Rep. Ilhan Omar, Minnesota Democrat, has an ally of a new stripe in the furor over her use of anti-Semitic tropes regarding Israel and its American supporters David Duke.

In a Thursday podcast at his site, the former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard spoke out strongly in favor of the Muslim Congresswoman who has accused Jewish lawmakers of dual loyalty, attributed support for Israel to foreign money, and said Israel has “hypnotized” the world.” AP News

Since David Duke endorsed Rep. Omar, she has continued to make numerous Anti-Semitic remarks, including:

Some Jewish Students are pro-genocide – “Omar Draws Criticism for Suggesting Some Jewish Students Are ‘Pro-Genocide’” New York Times

It’s all about the benjamins – “Rep. Omar apologizes after House Democratic leadership condemns her comments as ‘anti-Semitic tropes’” Washington Post

Dual Loyalty to Isreal – “Ilhan Omar’s Dual-Loyalty Charge Was Anti-Semitic” The Atlantic

Isreal is hypnotizing the wold – “Rep. Ilhan Omar defends 2012 tweet accusing Israel of ‘hypnotizing the world’” The Hill/Times of Isreal

Comparing the US to the Taliban – “Rep. Ilhan Omar says she wasn’t equating US, Israel to Hamas, Taliban after rebuke from fellow Democrats” USA Today


Don Samuels Has Condemened Rep. Omar For Clear Anti-Semitism and Dividing Our Community

Rep. Omar Took a Vacation paid for by the Qatari Government to Watch the World Cup With Celebrities in a Slave-Built Stadium


“Democratic U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, an outspoken human rights advocate in Congress, traveled to Qatar last year on the Middle Eastern country’s dime, according to her annual financial disclosure filed in May.

Qatar has been widely criticized for abusing migrant workers and criminalizing same-sex relationships, among other alleged human rights issues. Omar attended the FIFA World Cup and met with Qatari government officials while she was in the Gulf nation last November and had her food and lodging paid for by the country. The cost of her trip wasn’t disclosed.” Star Tribune


Don Samuels Called This Trip Very Hypocritical Due to Rep. Omar’s Claim to Stand for Human Rights

Rep. Omar Took Two Maximum Donations From Billionaire Trump Donar, Farouk Shami


On 2/07/2023, Rep. Omar took two separate $3,300 donations from Farouk Shami. FEC

Farouk Shami is a close friend of Donald Trump and has given over $360,000 to him and the RNC. “Houston hair-care mogul doesn’t split hairs over Trump” Houston Chronicle


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