The Truth

On Rep. Omar's Voting Record

Rep. Omar’s Voting Record Does Not Represent the Views of the People She Serves.

Below is a collection of some of Rep. Omar’s votes on important issues compared to fellow Minnesota Democrats.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act


HR. 3684-The Infrastructure Act is the key policy of the Biden administration. The bill made a generational investment in American infrastructure, renewable energy, rural broadband, and jobs in Minnesota and throughout the nation.


House Democrats: Yes-215 No-6

Ending Importation of Russian Oil Act


H.R.6968 – The “Ending Importation of Russian Oil Act” (HR 6968) aims to prohibit the importation of oil and petroleum products from Russia into the United States. This legislation is a response to Russia’s aggressive actions, particularly its invasion of Ukraine, and seeks to reduce U.S. dependence on Russian energy resources. The bill intends to curtail revenue that could potentially fund Russia’s military activities, while also encouraging the U.S. to seek alternative energy sources and strengthen its energy independence.


House Democrats: Yes-219 No-2

Expanding Access to Sustainable Energy Act


 H.R. 4447- The “Expanding Access to Sustainable Energy Act” (HR 4447) is a comprehensive energy bill designed to advance the development, deployment, and accessibility of sustainable energy technologies in the United States. The bill includes provisions to support renewable energy projects, energy efficiency improvements, grid modernization, and the development of advanced energy storage technologies. It aims to enhance energy security, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promote economic growth through the creation of clean energy jobs.


House Democrats: Yes-213 No-18

Holding Iranian Leaders Accountable Act of 2023


H.R.6245 – This bill requires the President to report on the estimated total funds held in domestic and international financial institutions by certain Iranian leaders. The bill also requires U.S. financial institutions to close reported accounts and the Department of the Treasury to seek the closure of such accounts in foreign financial institutions. Activities related to authorized U.S. intelligence activities, U.S. obligations in hosting the United Nations, or humanitarian assistance are exempt.


House Democrats: Yes-215 No-1

Emergency Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021


HR. 3237- The “Emergency Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021” (HR 3237) provides additional funding for security measures at the U.S. Capitol complex and other federal entities in response to the events of January 6, 2021. The bill allocates resources for the U.S. Capitol Police, the National Guard, and other security enhancements to prevent future attacks and improve the safety and security of the Capitol. It includes funding for physical security upgrades, support for law enforcement personnel, and mental health services for those affected by the January 6 attack.


House Democrats: Yes-213 No-6



HR. 589-The “MAHSA Act” (HR 589) is named in honor of Mahsa Amini, a young Iranian woman whose death sparked widespread protests. The bill aims to impose sanctions on Iranian officials and entities responsible for human rights abuses and repression of peaceful protestors. It also seeks to support the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and human rights by promoting measures that expose and counteract the Iranian regime’s oppressive actions. The act is intended to hold accountable those who violate human rights and to stand in solidarity with the Iranian populace.


House Democrats: Yes-201 No-2

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding United States efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through a negotiated two-state solution


H.Res. 326-House Resolution 326 expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States should support a negotiated two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This resolution advocates for the coexistence of an independent, democratic Palestinian state alongside the Jewish state of Israel, with mutual recognition and peace. It emphasizes that a two-state solution is the only viable option to ensure Israel’s security and provide the Palestinians with self-determination. The resolution calls for renewed U.S. diplomatic efforts to encourage both parties to negotiate directly and achieve a lasting peace agreement.


House Democrats: Yes-221 No-4

Asset Seizure for Ukraine Reconstruction Act


The “Asset Seizure for Ukraine Reconstruction Act” (HR 6930) authorizes the seizure of assets owned by Russian oligarchs and entities sanctioned due to their connections to the Russian government and its aggression against Ukraine. The seized assets would be used to fund the reconstruction and humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. The act aims to hold Russian elites accountable for their role in supporting the war and to provide financial support for Ukraine’s recovery from the devastation caused by the conflict.


House Democrats: Yes-214 No-4

Strengthening the Quad Act


HR. 5375-Enhance the cooperation and coordination among the member countries of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD), which includes the United States, Japan, India, and Australia. The bill focuses on promoting shared security interests, economic ties, and strategic partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region. It includes provisions for joint military exercises, intelligence sharing, and collaborative initiatives on critical issues such as cybersecurity, infrastructure development, and counter-terrorism. The goal is to strengthen the collective capabilities and strategic alignment of the QUAD nations to address regional and global challenges.


House Democrats: Yes-206 No-2

Preventing Crimes Against Veterans Act


The “Preventing Crimes Against Veterans Act” (HR 983) aims to make it a federal crime to defraud veterans of their benefits. The bill specifically targets individuals or entities that engage in schemes to defraud veterans by promising to help them obtain benefits in exchange for fees, knowing that such assistance is available for free through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The bill proposes significant penalties for those found guilty of such fraudulent activities, including fines and imprisonment.


House Democrats: Yes-211 No-5

Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists.


H.Res. 771-expresses strong support for Israel as it defends itself against attacks from Hamas and other terrorist organizations. The resolution condemns the violent actions and tactics of these groups and affirms Israel’s right to self-defense. It calls for continued U.S. support for Israel, including military assistance and diplomatic backing, to ensure the nation’s security and stability in the face of terrorism.


House Democrats: Yes-194 No-9

Strengthening Tools to Counter the Use of Human Shields Act


H.R. 5917 – This bill extends the authority of the President to impose sanctions on foreign persons using human shields through 2030 and requires the President to impose such sanctions on each foreign person determined to be a member of Palestine Islamic Jihad and orders, controls, or otherwise directs the use of human shields. Currently, such sanctions are (1) required for users of human shields who are members of Hamas or Hezbollah or supporters of those groups, and (2) authorized for other users of human shields.


House Democrats: Yes-204 No-3

Protect Against Conflict by Turkey Act


H.R.4695 – The “Protect Against Conflict by Turkey Act” (H.Res. 4695) aims to address and mitigate actions by Turkey that are perceived to threaten regional stability, U.S. interests, and international norms. The resolution calls for a range of measures, including potential sanctions against Turkish officials and entities involved in activities that undermine peace and security. It also urges diplomatic efforts to resolve disputes involving Turkey and encourages the protection of human rights and democratic principles within the region.


House Democrats: Yes-226 No-1

Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act


HR 1044 – Significantly reduce visa backlogs — estimated to be over 4 million — enabling many immigrants to gain permanent residence faster and more easily. o Reducing the backlogs would allow spouses and children of H-1B visa holders to become permanent residents more quickly, reducing the number of children on H-4 dependent visas “aging out” and getting sent back to their home countries because they are unable to obtain their own H-1B visas in a timely manner.


House Democrats: Yes-224 No-8

Condemning the support of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations at institutions of higher education, which may lead to the creation of a hostile environment for Jewish students, faculty, and staff.


 H.Res.798 – House Resolution 798 condemns any support for Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations within institutions of higher education in the United States. The resolution asserts that these groups are responsible for acts of terrorism and violence, and it highlights the dangers of endorsing or promoting their ideologies on college campuses. It calls for educational institutions to take measures to prevent the spread of terrorist propaganda and to ensure that campuses remain free from influence by such groups.


House Democrats: Yes-183 No-22

Support for Patients and Communities Reauthorization Act


H. R. 4531- is about offering hope to those in despair—those battling substance use disorder, their families and loved ones, and the health care workers and law enforcement officers who need continued support to help save lives. By reauthorizing the programs that were proving successful before Covid and increasing access to treatment, we can help restore hope and healing to those who need it most.


House Democrats: Yes-196 No-11

Affirming the United States record on the Armenian Genocide


H.Res.296- House Resolution 296 affirms the United States’ recognition and acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide. The resolution commemorates the systematic extermination of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923. It calls for the remembrance and condemnation of this atrocity, urges education about the Armenian Genocide, and rejects efforts to deny its occurrence. The resolution also encourages human rights awareness and the prevention of future genocides.


House Democrats: Yes-226 No-0

Transatlantic Telecommunications Security Act


H.R. 3344- The “Transatlantic Telecommunications Security Act” (HR 3344) seeks to enhance the security and resilience of telecommunications networks between the United States and its European allies. The bill aims to counter threats from untrusted telecommunications suppliers, particularly those linked to foreign adversaries like China and Russia. It includes provisions to promote secure telecommunications infrastructure, support research and development of secure technologies, and encourage cooperation with European partners to safeguard critical communications networks.


House Democrats: Yes-214 No-5

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